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Improve Stressful Workstyle by Comprehensive Solutions

How does Antelope Solution help to reduce working hour?


Finance professionals often suffer from a heavy workload during the continuous peak season. For instance, the period from tax season in April to the financial performance disclosure in March keeps auditors busy preparing documents and reports. Enhancing the document storage system and workflow can help reduce employees' working hours and lower the human resource turnover rate.

A well-known accounting firm that provides auditing service sought to alleviate this stressful situation. Antelope recommended implementing our comprehensive solutions, aiming to optimize the entire operational process in every aspect.

Business Challenges

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Document Sharing and Versions

In the daily operation of Accounting Firms, it generates lots of versions of documents which required to share, co-work and approve among different parties before finalized. The staff of the firm makes use of several software tools to achieve the purpose which consume time and may cause human errors.

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Tiny Information may require Reviewing Thick Document

The staff has reported that they consume much time in the look up information in a thick document. Even that is a piece of information but the staff still need to read through different parts of the document, understanding and then make a short conclusion.


Lack of Visibility of Job Progress

Staff are a critical asset for accomplishing objectives; thus, meticulously distributing tasks among team members can lead to efficient and intelligent work practices. Nonetheless, managers might struggle with implementation owing to limited visibility into the specifics and progress of job assignments.

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Synchronization with Mainland Systems

With many enterprise accounting departments relocating to mainland China, auditors may need to work remotely. Management might have concerns about data security issues when using cloud services to access confidential financial documents.


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Advanced Document Management Features

Antelope offers document management features that enhance the efficiency of filing and searching for documents. Our client can connect their customers’ database to Antelope system. Utilizing Genie AI technology, we automate the process of converting information into indexed data (e.g. the important contract dates), allowing for easy sorting and improved management, generating a short summary of the contract and reporting.

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Genie AI Assistance in Document Analyzing 

Our system facilitates content collaboration, allowing the team to edit documents simultaneously. Moreover, by dragging documents into Genie AI, it can generate responses based on your prompts. You can request analyses of financial statements and obtain advice, markedly accelerating report preparation time.


Task Management Simplified

Our task management module facilitates the easy tracking and updating of job status on the dashboard. Management and teammates can quickly ascertain what tasks need attention, who is responsible, and the current status of each task. As a result, management can more easily re-allocate tasks based on the observed workload and levels of completion.


CloudSync Ensures Security

Management can securely share files using the public cloud service, named Antelope CloudSync Server. Simply enter the new accessor's email address and establish the appropriate permissions. The accessor can then create an account on the portal using the invitation email and securely access the designated folder.


  • Enhanced Efficiency and Reduced Working Hour

  • Increased Audit Accuracy and Competitiveness

  • Advanced Data Protection from leaking

  • Improve Employee Morale and Working Atmosphere

  • Standardize Workflows and Reduce Training Costs

Solutions Flow​

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